Travel Requirements: Singapore, Asia

VISA Requirements

Foreign nationals entering the Republic of Singapore are required to have a valid passport and a visa. However, nationals of visa waiver countries can enter Singapore without a visa as long as the purpose of their visit is tourism or temporary visit. If they want to engage in profitable activities such as employment, they must apply for a Singapore visa suitable for their purpose.

For detailed immigration information, please refer to the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority

Controlled Goods

Controlled goods require an import permit or authorization form from the relevant controlling
authority before they can be brought into Singapore. Please produce the goods and the import permit or authorization at the Red Channel for clearance. The list of goods includes (but is not limited to):
• Animals, birds, fishes and their products
• CDs, DVDs, films and video games
• Arms and explosives
• Medicines and pharmaceutical products
• Telecommunication and radio communication equipment
• Handcuffs and nightsticks

Prohibited Goods

The list of goods that are not allowed to be brought into Singapore includes (but is not limited to):
• Chewing tobacco and imitation tobacco products
• Chewing gum
• Cigarette lighters of pistol or revolver shape
• Controlled drugs and psychotropic substances
• Endangered species of wildlife and their by-products
• Firecrackers
• Obscene articles, publications, video tapes/discs and software
• Reproduction of copyright publications, video tapes, video discs, laser discs, records or cassettes
• Seditious and treasonable materials

Medical Requirements

Singapore is a safe country to travel but just in case, carry a copy of your prescription or a doctor’s note for all prescription drugs that you bring inside of Singapore.

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